Ep. 30 - Brian James - Yoga + Plant Medicine + Shamanism
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Hey everybody! Episode 30 of the show is out. In this show, I spoke with my friend Brian James. Brian and I met working together at the Amazonian plant-medicine center the Temple of the Way of Light. Brian is a yoga teacher and plant-medicine practitioner. I always really enjoy talking to Brian as he has a real depth of knowledge of yoga from a perspective that not many people have. He does a wonderful job at explaining the roots of the yogic practice and also how he sees the interconnection between that path and the path of shamanism. For such broad and diverse subjects, he is able to beautifully explain them in simple ways and show the universality of all of these paths. I think you all will gain a lot from listening to this talk, much as I did. To view bonus material and extended conversations, check out my Patreon page below. Enjoy!
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“Brian James is a transformational coach, yoga teacher, musician and shamanic practitioner currently living Vancouver Island, Canada with his wife Debbie and their dog Kingston.
A lifelong musician, artist, and curious seeker, Brian began exploring yoga and plant medicines over twenty-five years ago. After a crisis in his mid-thirties — burned out from his job in advertising and struggling with stress, anxiety and addiction — he began his own healing journey in earnest. He’s spent the last decade learning from master teachers and exploring in greater depth the medicine paths of yoga, music, shamanism and psychology. He shares conversations with some of the teachers he’s met on the Medicine Path Podcast and has written two books: Yoga & Plant Medicine, published in 2019, and Harmonic Movement, a vinyasa yoga practice manual.
Since 2012, Brian has dedicated his life to sharing the healing power of yoga and music, and has taught around the world — from Shanghai, China to the heart of the Amazon jungle. He regularly teaches group classes and workshops and works 1-to-1 with individuals, helping them develop a personal practice and supporting them in recovering a sense of wholeness and freedom. “
Learn more: brianjames.ca
Contact Brian: hello@brianjames.ca
To view the Shamanic Yoga series Brian created and receive 15% off, use the link: https://vimeo.com/r/32Ww/LjJOdjROTH
or go to http://vimeo.com/ondemand/shamanicyoga and enter code "UNIVERSE15"
This episode of the show is sponsored by the Temple of the Way of Light. To learn more or sign up for a retreat, visit:
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My colleague Merav Artzi (who I interviewed in episode 28) and I will be running diets in the Sacred Valley of Peru on March 3-19 and May 1-17. If you would like more information about joining us and the work I do, visit my site at: https://www.NicotianaRustica.org
And finally, with the pandemic, most people doing this work have been without access to work since March and the future is uncertain. If you are able to and would like to donate to the show to help out with new content that would be deeply appreciated. For just a few dollars a month you can subscribe through Patreon and it gives you some really nice added benefits like early access to shows, bonus episodes, and a chance to ask personalized questions.
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Music courtesy of Nuno Moreno. See his work at: https://m.soundcloud.com/groove_a_zen_sound and https://nahira-ziwa.bandcamp.com/
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This will help me with ideas for future shows.
Thanks and until the next episode!