Ep. 18 - Safa Roberts - Yoga, Pranic Healing, and Plant Medicine
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Hey everybody! Episode 18 of the show is out. In this show, I spoke with my friend Safa. Safa is a yoga instructor, pranic healing and plant medicine practitioner who I met at the Amazon healing center The Temple of the Way of Light, where she led worked as a teacher and facilitator of ceremonies. She spent a long time living in India studying deeply yoga and pranic healing and eventually came to the Amazon to learn in-depth the traditional Shipibo lineage of working with plants. She works in the Sacred Valley of Peru with her partner Felix, who I interviewed in episode 14. Safa has a lot to share and I think you all will very much enjoy this conversation. And check out Patreon for the full interview. Best!
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“Safa (Soi Kete in Shipibo) brings a wide variety of skills to the team and has been dedicated to the medicine for over twelve years. Residing in India for several years, she trained in yoga, specializing in breathwork and study of the subtle or energy body. She ran her own yoga school and lead yoga trainings worldwide from 2011-2015. Through this work she gained extensive experience facilitating groups through deeply personal and transformational experiences.
Safa has been deeply involved in the study and practice of energetic healing for over fifteen years. Originally certified in Pranic Healing, she has since studied with many teachers of various modalities to broaden her repertoire of skills. She has been working with the Shipibo to learn energetic healing directly from the plants and brings this highly specialized work into the ceremony space.
Facilitating for various medicine centers in Peru, she has acquired a strong repertoire of emotional/mental processing tools that help to bridge western pathology and understanding with the Shipibo paradigm of healing. Honoring the Shipibo lineage, she continues to study and diet with her maestro Soi in his community of Nueva Betania.”
For more information on Safa and her work, visit: https://bodyofprana.com/
Instagram: @bodyofprana
Facebook: Safa Roberts
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If you would like more information on plant medicine and the work I do, visit my site at: https://www.NicotianaRustica.org
And finally, with the pandemic, most people doing this work have been without access to work since March and the future is uncertain. If you are able to and would like to donate to the show to help out with new content that would be deeply appreciated. For just a few dollars a month you can subscribe through Patreon and it gives you some really nice added benefits like early access to shows, bonus episodes, and a chance to ask personalized questions.
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Music courtesy of Nuno Moreno. See his work at: https://m.soundcloud.com/groove_a_zen_sound and https://nahira-ziwa.bandcamp.com/
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Thanks and until the next episode!