Ep. 67 - Paulette Waltz - Ayahuasca, Theta Healing, & A Course in Miracles
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Hey everybody! Episode 67 of the show is out. In this episode, I spoke with my friend Paulette. Paulette and I met in the Sacred Valley of Peru where she has been residing. It was really a pleasure for me to sit down and catch up with Paulette. We’ve had a similar background and it is always fascinating for me to hear more about people’s stories. Being the interviewer that she is, I think Paulette interviewed me as much as I did her. So we had a really interesting and fluid conversation about her work with plant medicines, Theta healing, A Course In Miracles, and just about life in general. We even spoke about fairies. I think you all will get a lot of enjoyment and knowledge out of this interview. As always, to support this podcast, get early access to shows, bonus material, and Q&As, check out my Patreon page below. Enjoy!
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"Paulette is currently based in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru. After exploring the world through traveling, working, and living in many countries (she has been to over 50 countries so far), her calling became more focused on exploring the mind, consciousness, and spirituality.
Paulette helps people to connect deeply with themselves and find peace. Her sessions help to make sense of the experiences people have in plant medicine ceremonies and to overcome limitations in everyday life. There is nothing too mundane nor too “out there”, whether it’s connecting with beings, past lives, releasing energy, or changing beliefs and patterns.”
For more info about Paulette and her sessions and offerings, visit: https://www.yourinnerstate.love/offerings For ThetaHealing certifications, visit: thetahealing.com/paulette And for her interviews of plant medicine and healing practitioners in the Sacred Valley, visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8Jl8zy3rJTztpf6WijMmQ
This episode of the show is sponsored by the Temple of the Way of Light. To learn more or sign up for a retreat, visit: https://templeofthewayoflight.org/
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My colleague Merav Artzi (who I interviewed in episode 28) and I will be running dietas in the Sacred Valley of Peru on September 1-29 and in the Sinai desert of Egypt on October 10-27. If you would like more information about joining us and the work I do, visit my site at: https://www.NicotianaRustica.org
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Music courtesy of: Nuno Moreno (end song). Visit: https://m.soundcloud.com/groove_a_zen_sound and https://nahira-ziwa.bandcamp.com/ And Stefan Kasapovski’s Santero Project (intro song). Visit: https://spoti.fi/3y5Rd4H
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This will help me with ideas for future shows.
Thanks and until the next episode!