Ep. 46 - Joey Greenstone - Wachuma, Ayahuasca & The Medicine Path
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Hey everybody! Episode 46 of the show is out. In this episode, I spoke with Joey Greenstone. Joey was introduced to me by mutual friends who had worked with him, and they both spoke very highly of him. Joey works with the Andean plant medicine Wachuma (also Huachuma or San Pedro). We spoke about Joey’s background, his voyage into the world of plant medicines, what he has learned, some of the pitfalls, and how he has emerged as a guide who looks to help by sharing this ancient knowledge. I really enjoyed speaking with Joey, connecting on a personal level, and learned from him about a plant that is very dear to him. I hope you all will get a lot out of this episode. As always, to support this podcast, get early access to shows, bonus material, and Q&As, check out my Patreon page below. Enjoy!
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"Joey Greenstone is an accomplished Wachumero (San Pedro Shaman) with more than 12 years of experience working with plant spirit medicines. He is an expert medicine maker, and skilled at using song and sound vibration to facilitate healing and transformation within his healing ceremonies. Joey is also a talented counselor and spiritual life coach, drawing upon the wisdom not only of plant medicine, but many consciousness traditions from around the world in order to assist his clients in affecting healing and growth in their lives. He resides in the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, in the Andes mountains, where he also leads conscious tours to the many sacred sites and places of power within Peru.”
To learn more about Joey or to contact him, visit: https://wachumawaken.com/
This episode of the show is sponsored by the Temple of the Way of Light. To learn more or sign up for a retreat, visit: https://templeofthewayoflight.org/
This episode of the show is also sponsored by Xstatic Dance - online every Saturday at 10am Vancouver, 1pm New York, 6pm London, and 7pm Central Europe time. Join the Dance for free and make a donation after. Visit Instagram @xstaticdanceonline & Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/xstaticdanceonline. Music: Soundcloud.com/Xstaticdanceonline & mixcloud.com/xstaticdanceonline
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My colleague Merav Artzi (who I interviewed in episode 28) and I will be running diets in the Sacred Valley of Peru on May 1-29 and September 1-29. If you would like more information about joining us and the work I do, visit my site at: https://www.NicotianaRustica.org
And finally, with the pandemic, most people doing this work have been without access to work since March of 2020 and the future is uncertain. If you are able to and would like to donate to the show to help out with new content that would be deeply appreciated. For just a few dollars a month you can subscribe through Patreon and it gives you some really nice added benefits like early access to shows, bonus episodes, and a chance to ask personalized questions.
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Music courtesy of Nuno Moreno. See his work at: https://m.soundcloud.com/groove_a_zen_sound and https://nahira-ziwa.bandcamp.com/
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This will help me with ideas for future shows.
Thanks and until the next episode!