Ep. 91 - Cathy Coyle - Druids, Tree Medicines, Mushrooms & Rediscovering Ancestral Paths
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Hey everybody! Episode 91 of the show is out. In this episode, I spoke with my friend Cathy Coyle. My friend and colleague Merav Artzi worked with Cathy a number of years ago and spoke very highly of her. And recently Cathy invited and organized for us to come to Ireland, where she is from, to run a plant dieta there, which was an amazing experience. Cathy is a medicine woman who has worked and trained in varied traditions such as Jungian psychology, druidic knowledge, and master plants. She has a varied background and with this variety has a beautiful ability to draw on various modalities with her work. We spoke about all of these topics on this show and it was a pleasure to sit with Cathy and have her share in her wisdom. I trust you all will gain a lot from this interview. As always, to support this podcast, get early access to shows, bonus material, and Q&As, check out my Patreon page below. Enjoy!
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“My facilitation challenges the boundaries of personal growth, supporting the evolution of mind, body & spirit.
Thinking outside of the box has always come as second nature to me and living a life less ordinary has fueled a lifelong passion for exploring some of the world's most far-reaching corners. Through my own human experience, my academic and professional scope I have developed a unique style that resonates with those in pursuit of empowerment, holism, and conscious change.
Combining my expertise in Coaching Psychology (MA) with Leadership studies. Alongside mindfulness, breath work, yoga and shamanic pathways, my work offers a multi-faceted pathway towards accessing your highest potentials. Currently I am undertaking a PhD in Integral & Transpersonal Psychology, with the California Integral Institute.
Registered with the IACTM, The International Association of Coaches, Therapists & Mentors.
My practice is a liminal and transpersonal space built upon intuition, curiosity, authenticity, non-duality and embodied awareness. Together we harness optimal and transcendent states on the road towards truly transformational living.
Let's Grow together”
To contact or learn more about Cathy, visit her website at: http://www.cathycoyle.com/
And for her podcast, Meet Me in the Mushroom: https://inthemushroom.awake.net/
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My colleague Merav Artzi (who I interviewed in episode 28) and I are guiding plant dietas in the Sacred Valley of Peru September 14-30 and October 14-31. If you would like more information about joining us and the work I do, visit my site at:
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Music courtesy of: Nuno Moreno (end song). Visit: https://m.soundcloud.com/groove_a_zen_sound and https://nahira-ziwa.bandcamp.com/ And Stefan Kasapovski’s Santero Project (intro song). Visit: https://spoti.fi/3y5Rd4H
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Thanks and until the next episode!