Ep. 147 - Pervis Urquia - Shipibos, Prayers, & Plant Dietas
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**Note: this interview is in Shipibo and Spanish. For a version with English subtitles, please view the YouTube version or Spotify video version**
In episode 147 of the show, I spoke with Pervis Urquia. Pervis was recommended to me by my good friend Claire Bouleau who has been working with him for the last years. It was a pleasure to sit down with Pervis and his translator, Linberg, to speak about his life, his work, ayahuasca, dietas, prayers, God, and Shipibo culture. Pervis has a really beautiful and strong presence and I trust you will gain much from this interview. Thank you Beth Adele for the subtitles. As always, to support this podcast, get early access to shows, bonus material, and Q&As, check out my Patreon page below. Enjoy!
En episodio 147, hablé con Pervis Urquía. Pervis me fue recomendado por mi buena amiga Claire Bouleau, que ha estado trabajando con él durante los últimos años. Fue un placer sentarme con Pervis y su traductor, Linberg, para hablar sobre su vida, su trabajo, la ayahuasca, las dietas, las oraciones, Dios y la cultura shipibo. Pervis tiene una presencia realmente hermosa y fuerte y confío en que ganará mucho de esta entrevista. Gracias Beth Adele por los subtitulos. Como siempre, para apoyar este podcast, obtener acceso anticipado a programas, material adicional y preguntas y respuestas, consulte mi página de Patreon a continuación. Disfruta!
YouTube: bit.ly/YT-UW
Rumble: bit.ly/Rum-UW
Apple : bit.ly/Appl-UW
Spotify: bit.ly/Spot-UW
“Pervis Urquia is the seventh child of a large family from the Shipibo community of El Porvenir. His Shipibo name is Niwe, which means Pure Wind. From an early age, he witnessed the healing skills of his uncle Esteban, who used medicinal plants and chanted healing icaros to heal illnesses. In 1990, Pervis was confronted with an unknown disease, and despite seeking a cure in the city with pharmaceutical drugs, he found no improvement. But his luck changed when he met his uncle Cecilio Flores, who provided treatment using traditional medicine and the power of plants, with strict diets after eating plant leaves. He regained his energy and received praise from his uncle, who encouraged him to continue developing his potential and wisdom in the use of plants to cure diseases. His faith was strong practicing the power of prayers. He continues his mission of receiving patients and offering his valuable treatments based on ancestral knowledge of medicinal plants and their connection to the supernatural."
“Pervis Urquia es el séptimo hijo de una familia numerosa de la comunidad shipiba de El Porvenir. Su nombre shipibo es Niwe, que significa Viento Puro. Desde pequeño fue testigo de las habilidades curativas de su tío Esteban, quien utilizaba plantas medicinales y cantaba icaros sanadores para sanar enfermedades. En 1990, Pervis se enfrentó a una enfermedad desconocida, y a pesar de buscar una cura en la ciudad con medicamentos farmacéuticos, no encontró mejoría. Pero su suerte cambió cuando conoció a su tío Cecilio Flores, quien le brindó un tratamiento utilizando la medicina tradicional y el poder de las plantas, con dietas estrictas después de comer hojas de plantas. Recuperó su energía y recibió elogios de su tío, quien lo animó a seguir desarrollando su potencial y sabiduría en el uso de las plantas para curar enfermedades. Su fe era fuerte practicando el poder de las oraciones. Continúa su misión de recibir pacientes y ofrecer sus valiosos tratamientos basados en el conocimiento ancestral de las plantas medicinales y su conexión con lo sobrenatural."
To learn more about or contact Pervis, visit:
Para aprender mas, visite:
To view the documentary, Sacred Tobacco, about my work, visit:
Para ver nuestro documental, visite:
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I will be guiding our next plant medicine dietas with my colleague Merav Artzi (who I interviewed in episode 28) in the Sacred Valley of Peru in February (almost SOLD OUT), April/May in Porto Covo, Portugal, and July in Westport, Ireland. If you would like more information about joining us and the work I do, visit my site at: https://NicotianaRustica.org
Integration/Consultation call: https://jasongrechanik.setmore.com
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Music: Nuno Moreno: https://m.soundcloud.com/groove_a_zen_sound & https://nahira-ziwa.bandcamp.com & Stefan Kasapovski’s Santero Project: https://spoti.fi/3y5Rd4H